Shiver (The wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
This book tells the story in a diary style through the two main characters, Sam and Grace, each chapter from alternating points of view. It’s a little difficult to describe what I felt as I read through the pages, I felt love for the characters, sadness of certain situations and happiness in other moments too.
When Grace, being a young child, was attacked by some wolves, she could have never imagined that even now, being a teenager, she will continue to be attached to those yellow eyes that looked right into her soul the very same night she was attacked. Sam, on the other side, is living two lives, one of them watching Grace hidden in the shadows of the winter forest.
The need both characters had for each other was touching, the chemistry between Grace and Sam is awesome, the perfect dose of love.
Maggie Stiefvater has a beautiful way to describe the places and emotions thru the entire book, overall I enjoyed this book and found my self immersed in a magic story. Can’t wait to read the next book.
I've been dying to read this book! It sounds totally awesome! Great review. =)
Wonderful review! While I prefer Maggie's other works such as Lament and Ballad, I still enjoyed this :)
Fab review :)
wow,great review.i've heard so many bookish fellow reviews and everyone seems to give great expectations..=)
Enjoyed your review! Have heard nothing but good things about this book, and looking forward to reading it!
BTW, I have an award for you here. :-)
I read this book during the summer and unfortunatly forgot what happens in it. So reading your post and review of the book makes me want to experience it all over again!
This book is sitting on my shelf and now reading your review , can't wait to read it. I've only heard good things
Great review =)
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