Memorable Monday is a new meme hosted by Escape in a Book

My Memorable Monday quote is from Getting Over Garrett Delaney by Abby McDonald. I just love this quote, it's so true and something we should think about. I hope you like it. If you are interested in my review click here.

"When you look in the mirror, what do you want to see: yet another reminder of your hopeless attempt to be the girl of his dreams, or you? The answer should always be you."
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Love this quote! This has fit my life every now and then. My quote is a little less "life-lesson" than yours.
Entaining Interests
I love this quote!!! It's so amazing and fitting for girls all over the world.
Great quote and so true. It took me years to finally feel this way too. Thank you for sharing this and putting this book on my radar, I hadn't heard of it before :)
Really good qoute! :D
Oh, I already heard about that book and it seems to be very great! Can't wait to buy it. Yay for no money!
And this quote even makes me want to read this book more. It's so true! I still remember how I was during my teenager days and I always wanted to be how other person would like me to be. To want to be yourself is probably one of the biggest lessons you have to learn in your life. Even more when you're a small, teenage girl.
Oh, that made me smile. Thx for sharing. :)
I really like this quote! : ) Thank you for sharing - I don't think I've really gave this novel any attention, even though I'm fairly convinced that I *have* seen it already somewhere. Hmm. Is it good?
Now also a LinkyFollower. Have been following you via bloglovin already. :)
My Quote
*sigh* But that's never the case most of the time, isn't it? Thanks for the lovely quote :)
@ Patricia: I really enjoyed the book here's my Review
@ Rita: Thanks for stopping by :)
@Miri: Exactly, when you're a teenager it's important to be who you really are not what everybody wishes, like the quote the answer should always be you :)
- Thanks everybody for your lovely comments :D -
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